@article{Bayramov1995, abstract = {In this study the efficacy of omental packing, suture and open techniques for management of the wound defects and surface were evaluated in the 107 patients with gunshot wounds of the liver (GSWL). We used classification of the GSWL, which were treatment oriented and based on criteria, that include the amount of devitalized tissues and caliber of damaged vessels and ductal structures. According to this classification the 4 severity grade of the GSWL were evaluated. Grade I injuries didn't require any management. Grade II injuries were treated by the debridment and simple hemostasis methods. In the grade III injuries the debridment, portal clamping , hepatotomy and the ligation of the bleeding vessels and damaged ducts were performed, whereas, Grade IV injuries were treated by liver resection. In patients with Grade II, III and IV injuries, after debridment, the wound defects and surface after debridment and resection were managed by three methods: without any management (open group) in the 36 case; suturing in the 23 case; omental packing in the 32 case. The morbidity and mortality rates were 24,2% and 20,5% respectively, in total, whereas, these values were 33,3% and 16,6% in open group, 65,2% and 39,1% in suturing group and 18,7% and 18,7% in omental group of the patients, respectively. Omental packing significantly decreased morbidity and mortality rates in both Grade II and III injuries, but in Grade IV injuries did not. An increase in severity grade of injuries accompanied with the increased mortality and morbidity rates. In conclusion, omental packing significantly reduce morbidity and mortality rates in comparison with open and suture methods, and is refereed as treatment of choice for wound defects and surface after debridment in patients with the GSWL.}, annote = {Qaraciyərin odlu silah yaralanması olan 107 xəstənin m{\"{u}}alicə nəticələrinə əsaslanaraq qaraciyərin odlu silah yaralanmasının 4 ağırlıq dərəcəsi verilmişdir və rezeksiya səthini {\"{o}}rtmək {\"{u}}{\c{c}}{\"{u}}n omentoplastika t{\"{o}}vsiyə edilmişdir.}, author = {Bayramov, NY and Sultanov, HA and C{\"{u}}mş{\"{u}}dov, CH and Beşirov, EB and Kapakov, FM and Rzayev, TM}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-1995-karacigerin-atesli-yaralanmalari.pdf:pdf;:C\:/Users/nurub/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/Bayramov et al. - 1995 - Karaciğerin ateşli silah yaralanmalarında debridmandan sonraki yara y{\"{u}}zeyi ve kavitesinin tedavisi.doc:doc}, journal = {Van Tıp Dergisi}, keywords = {Liver,Mən məqalə,classification,debridment,gunshot wounds,odlu siah yaralnması,omentoplasty,qaraciyər}, mendeley-tags = {Mən məqalə,odlu siah yaralnması,qaraciyər}, number = {2}, pages = {125--130}, title = {{Karaciğerin ateşli silah yaralanmalarında debridmandan sonraki yara y{\"{u}}zeyi ve kavitesinin tedavisi}}, url = {http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-1995-karacigerin-atesli-yaralanmalari}, volume = {2}, year = {1995} }