@article{Bayramov1996c, abstract = {Althou computer tomography and ultrasonography are used most freqently for the diagnosis of the hepatic neoplasmas, they can not establish the reseatablity of liver tumors correctly. In our retrospective study 61 patients with liver tumors administrated in last 10 year period were reviewed. Primary tumors of the liver were in 45 patients and metastasis were in 16 patients. Preoperative computed tomography and ultrasonography showed resectable tumors in all of these patients. At laparotomy the tumors were found resectabe only in 59 % of patients. Resecrability rate was 62.2% in primary tumors and 50% in metastases. In addtition the diagnosis was incorrect in 51% of the patients with primary neoplasmas of the liver. Correct diagnosis in these patients were dectcd by repealed ultrasound examination. 4 patients were undervent diagnostic laparoscopt. 2 of them the tumor was found resectable and radical operation was performed. Our resulrs showed that preoperative computed tomography and ultrasonography have 41% false-negative resectabilily rate and these methods are not suffictenr for detection of resectablity of liver neoplasrnos . Diagnostic laparoscopy shold precede laparatomy in patients with liver tumors for detection resectabilty when the results of preoperative computed tomography and ultrasonogrophy are suspected.}, annote = {Qaraciyər t{\"{o}}rəməsi olan 61 xəstədə preoperativ tomoqrafiya və ustrasəs m{\"{u}}ayinələrin rezektabelliyi qiymətləndirmədə rolu araşdırılmışdır. Nəticələr g{\"{o}}stərmişdir ki, bu m{\"{u}}ayinələr 41% hallarda yalan{\c{c}}ı neqativ nəticə g{\"{o}}stərir ona g{\"{o}}rə də resektabelliyi qiymətlənirmədə yetəli deyildir. Ş{\"{u}}bhəli hallarda rezektabelliyi qiymətlənirmək {\"{u}}{\c{c}}{\"{u}}n diaqnostik laparoskoiya faydalı ola bilər.}, author = {Bayramov, NY and G{\"{u}}ndoğdu, H and Akoğlu, M and Elbir, O and Bayramoğlu, E and Gencer, A}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-1996-karaciger-tumorlarinin-rezektablitesinde-preop-degerler.pdf:pdf}, journal = {MN Klinik Bilimler (Cerrahi)}, keywords = {Liver tumors,Mən məqalə,Qc rez,Resectability.,preop m{\"{u}}ayine}, mendeley-tags = {Mən məqalə,Qc rez,preop m{\"{u}}ayine}, number = {2}, pages = {14--16}, title = {{Karaciğer t{\"{u}}m{\"{o}}rlerının rezektabılıtesının saptanmasında preoperatf incelemelerın yerı.}}, url = {http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-1996-karaciger-tumorlarinin-rezektablitesinde-preop-degerler}, volume = {2}, year = {1996} }