@article{Bayramov1997b, abstract = {A study of 89 patients has been planned to research the advantages of ultrasonic dissector in liver resections. A comparison was performed considering parenchymal structure and resected volume of the liver on 43 patients who have undergone the clamp fracture technique and 46 patients for whom ultrasonic dissector was used for parenchymal dissection. The comparison was carried out on intraoperative blood loss, operation time, liver function tests, level of albumin and bilirubin along with postoperative mortality and morbidity. Blood loss was decreased and operative time was shorter in both lobectomy and segmentectomy utilizing ultrasonic dissector in patients with normal livers. On the other hand, even though it reduced the blood loss, the operation time was not affected in patients with cirrhosis. Regarding the tissue damage and postoperative functional dynamics of the liver, there are no significant differences between the two methods. 18.6 % of morbidity, 9.3 % of mortality has been observed on the group of patients subjected to the clamp fracture technique whereas 10.8% of morbidity and 4.5% mortality was observed on the group of patients resected by the ultrasonic dissector.}, author = {Bayramov, NY and G{\"{u}}ndoğdu, H and Demir{\c{c}}i, S and Akoğlu, M and Karaeyvaz, M and Bayramoğlu, E}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-1997-karaciger-rezeksiyonunda-cusa-ve-klemple-ezme-teknigi.pdf:pdf;:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-1997-karaciger-rezeksiyonunda-cusa-ve-klemple-ezme-teknigi.DOC:DOC}, journal = {Turkish Journal of Sugery}, keywords = {CUSA,Mən məqalə,Qc rez,cirrhosis,clamp fracture technique,liver resection,sirroz,ultrasonic dissector,əzmə texnikası}, mendeley-tags = {CUSA,Mən məqalə,Qc rez,sirroz,əzmə texnikası}, number = {4}, pages = {249--257}, title = {{A comparison between ultrasonic dissector and clamp fracture technique in liver resection.}}, url = {http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-1997-karaciger-rezeksiyonunda-cusa-ve-klemple-ezme-teknigi}, volume = {13}, year = {1997} }