@article{2000, abstract = {The known techniques for the liver parenchyma transsection mainly are based on hemostatic sutures, coagulation and dissection. The advantages and disadvantages of these resection techniques are discussed. Transsection of liver parenchyma by use of the heamostatic sutures (metallic, plastic, stapler and others) is restricted because of high morbidity (50-60%) rate. The coagulation techniques (electrocauthery, laser scalpel, plasma scalpel, argon beam coagulation, microwave tissue coagulator) contribute to the parenchyma necrosis from 2 to 8 mm in depth and are insufficient to control bleeding from vessels with more than 2 mm in diameter. Therefore the coagulation techniques are recommended as accessory devise for transsection of fibrous tissues and for bleeding control from smaller vessels. Of these techniques the argon beam coagulation have been increasing use because of its inability to carbonise the parenchyma and of clear visualisation of the resection surface. Recently the dissection techniques (suction knife, water-jet, ultrasonic dissector, crashing with finger, clamp and ligature) are used most commonly. The classical crashing techniques are continuously replaced by ultrasonic dissector and subsequently, a blood loss was decreased from previously 2-3 l to 1-1,5 l. But ultrasonic dissector have slower cutting time. Suction knife have not extensive use. Extensive clinical trials are necessary to estimation of usefulness of the water-jet dissection. Recently increasing popularity of combined use of coagulation and dissection techniques is noted. Most acceptable is association of ultrasonic dissector and argon beam coagulation, with blood loss lower than 1 l, 10-20% morbidity and 0-10% mortality rates. So, non of these present techniques for transsection of the liver parenchyma is not “ideal” – to cut faster and without blood loss. Therefore, future investigations to develop a more acceptable resection techniques are mandatory.}, annote = {İcmal məqalədə g{\"{o}}stərilir ki, qaraciyər parenximasını kəsmək {\"{u}}{\c{c}}{\"{u}}n hazırda ideal {\"{u}}sul yoxdur, yeni {\"{u}}sulların axtarışı davam etməlidir.}, author = {Ашрафов, А.А. and Байрамов, Н.Ю. and Меликова, М.Д.}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-2000-СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ МЕТОДЫ РАССЕЧЕНИЯ ПАРЕНХИМЫ ПЕЧЕНИ.doc:doc;:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-2000-sovremennie-metodi-rasseceniya-parenximi-peceni.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Анналы хирургической гепатологии}, keywords = {BCK+,Mən məqalə,Qc rez,RG+,icmal,liver resection,rus,{\"{u}}sullar}, mendeley-tags = {Mən məqalə,Qc rez,icmal,rus,{\"{u}}sullar,RG+,BCK+}, number = {2}, pages = {54--60}, title = {{Современные методы рассечения паренхимы печени}}, url = {http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-2000-sovremennie-metodi-rasseceniya-parenximi-peceni https://www.researchgate.net/publication/363310631_Sovremennye_metody_rassecenia_parenhimy_peceni}, volume = {5}, year = {2000} }