@inproceedings{Bayramov2015c, abstract = {Morbid obesity is one of common pathologies nowadays. Statistic results show increasing trend all over the world. While 31% of USA population has any type of obesity American Society for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery and International Diabetes Federation consider this rate will be as high as 54% by 2050. Despite absence of official statistics number of morbid obesity patients in Azerbaijan is steadily growing. Objectives: to start a series of bariatric operations in Azerbaijan with analysis of their results. We have operated 18 patients with morbid obesity 2012 through beginning of 2015. There were 4 males and 14 females. Age of patients varied from 27 to 51, mean 40.7 years old. Weight of patients was 112-220 kg with according BMI 42 – 80.2, mean 59.5. 2 patients suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus, 8 from arterial hypertension and 2 from sleep apnea syndrome. Most of female patients (12) had low level of follicle-stimulating hormone and sex hormone-binding globulin. All patients had grade 3-4 fatty liver disease. 16 patients underwent a laparoscopic gastric sleeve resection and 2 patients underwent an open Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. There was no intraoperative complication. 1 patient developed bleeding and abscess formation after a sleeve resection controlled by relaparoscopy. There was no mortality. Reduction of BMI 3 months after surgery varied from 11 to 22.2, mean 14.2. We continue the follow-up of patients. The first results of applications of bariatric surgery in Azerbaijan are encouraging. Low morbidity and correction of concomitant metabolic disorders must help in further increase of number of patients. Laparoscopy is an optimal choice for gastric sleeve resection.}, address = {Viena}, annote = {Azərbaycanda apaılan ilk boylama mədə rezeksiyalarının nəticələri {\"{u}}midvericidir.}, author = {Bayramov, N and Omarov, T and Zeynalov, N and Bayramli, F}, booktitle = {20th World Congress of the IFSO}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-2015-First_Sleeve_Gastrectomy_Series_in_Azerbaijan.pdf:pdf}, keywords = {BCK+,Mən məqalə,RG+,Sleeve gastrectomy,bariatrik,obesity,piylənmə}, mendeley-tags = {Mən məqalə,bariatrik,piylənmə,RG+,BCK+}, pages = {33--36}, publisher = {IFSO}, title = {{First Sleeve Gastrectomy Series in Azerbaijan}}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367268525_First_Sleeve_Gastrectomy_Series_in_Azerbaijan http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-2015-First_Sleeve_Gastrectomy_Series_in_Azerbaijan}, year = {2015} }