@article{Samadov2017, abstract = {Amyand's hernia is a rare form of inguinal hernia in which the vermiform appendix is located within the hernia sac. It is seen in less than 1% of inguinal hernia cases. It was first reported in the literature in 1735 by surgeon Claudius Amyand and hence named after him. Diagnosis is confirmed intraoperatively. Here present the case of a patient operated for irreducible right sided inguinal hernia complicated with inflamed appendix found in the hernia sac.}, annote = {Məqələdə nadir rast gəlinən Ayman yırtığı olan xəstə barədə məlumat verilmişdir}, author = {Samadov, E and Askerov, M and Ahmadov, R and Bayramov, N}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-2019-acut-appendicit-amaj.pdf:pdf}, journal = {AMAJ}, keywords = {Amyand yırıq,Amyand's hernia,BCK+,Mən məqalə,RG+,acute appendicitis.,appendisit,inguinal hernia}, mendeley-tags = {Amyand yırıq,Mən məqalə,appendisit,RG+,BCK+}, number = {2}, pages = {29--30}, title = {{Acute appendicitis complicating Amyand's hernia: rare condition}}, url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367361838_Acute_appendicitis_complicating_Amyand's_hernia_rare_condition http://amaj.az/publications/2017/AMAJ_-_2-2017_[amaj.az].pdf http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-2017-acut-appendicit-amaj}, year = {2017} }