@article{Gummatov2017, abstract = {The aim of the study was to compare the cytological results of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) performed at the Educational and Surgical Clinic of the Azerbaijan Medical University (AMU). Materials and methods. The study included 110 patients who underwent FTA from 2014 to 2016 at the Educational and Surgical Clinic of the AMU. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of patients with a node larger than 2 cm (56 patients), the 2nd group included patients in whom dubious nodes less than 2 cm in size were detected on ultrasound (54 patients). Results and discussion. When considering the results of cytology of patients of the 1st group, benign changes were detected in 55.35%, in 8.92% - insufficient the accuracy of the material, and in 19.64% - doubtful malignant changes. 56 patients of the 1st group underwent a surgical operation. In the final pathohistological studies, a malignant process was detected in 9 patients. When studying the results of cytology of patients of the 2nd group, benign changes were detected in 68.5%, insufficiency of the material in 9.29%, and dubious malignant changes in 11.1%. 21 patients of the 2nd group underwent a surgical operation, in 4 of which a malignant process was detected. The negative predictive level of FAB for the 1st group was 93.02%, and for the 2nd group - 95%; the positive prognostic level for the 1st group was 66.6%, and for 2nd group - 60%. Conclusion. When making a clinical decision based on the results of FAB, and in particular on positive results, attention should be paid to the technical aspects of the biopsy and the level of preparedness of the cytologist.}, annote = {Tiroid d{\"{u}}y{\"{u}}nu olan 110 xsətədə aspirasyon biopsiyanın nəticələri təhlil edilmişdir. Qeyd edilir ki, biopsiya nəticələrini klinik qiymətləniriərkən texniki detallara və patohistoloqun təcr{\"{u}}bəsi nəzə alınmalıdır.}, author = {Gummatov, AF and Abbasov, A and Shirinova, X and Bayramov, NY}, file = {:C\:/Users/nurub/Documents/NuruBay 2017/Məqalərər və tezislər/{\c{C}}ap olunmuş məqalələr/Mendeleydə olanlar/m-2017-evaluation-of-fine-nedle-aspirasyon-biopsiya-tiroid.pdf:pdf}, journal = {Хирургия. Восточная Eвропа}, keywords = {BCK+,Mən məqalə,RG+,fine needle aspiration biopsy,thyroid nodules,thyroidectomy,tiroid}, mendeley-tags = {Mən məqalə,tiroid,RG+,BCK+}, number = {1}, pages = {29--35}, title = {{Evaluation of the results of fine-needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules}}, url = {https://surgery.recipe.by/ru/?editions=2017-tom-6-n1&group_id=item_2&article_id=line_1 https://surgery.recipe.by/ru/?editions=2017-tom-6-n1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/367378030_Evaluation_of_the_results_of_fine-needle_aspiration_biopsy_of_thyroid_nodules http://bck.az/elm-ve-tedqiqat/meqaleler/m-2017-evaluation-of-fine-nedle-aspirasyon-biopsiya-tiroid}, year = {2017} }